Cerniere nascoste


The range of concealed hinges consists of concealed hinges, spring loaded concealed hinges, cranked concealed hinges, hinges with removable pin and concealed hinges with retractable pin. We offer concealed hinges for surface mounted doors or nested doors. They offer different kinematics for specific door movements. They can also incorporate additional functions (positioning with friction, bistable version with more stability in the two final positions, removable pins, etc.). Our hinges are made of 304 stainless steel, 316L stainless steel, steel and zinc die and have an opening angle of 90° to 180° to adapt to your needs. They are often used for applications such as: electrical cabinets, interactive terminals, digital displays, cash dispensers, vehicle fittings... For any bespoke request, consult us.

Cerniere a scomparsa solo per ante a montaggio superficiale

Cerniere a scomparsa solo per ante a montaggio superficiale

Cerniere a scomparsa solo per porte in linea

Cerniere a scomparsa solo per porte in linea

Cerniere a scomparsa per ante in battuta ed in linea

Cerniere a scomparsa per ante in battuta ed in linea

Sistema di cerniere a 2 assi

Sistema di cerniere a 2 assi